Proper grain storage should not be left to chance! Gruber plans and builds the right grain store for your individual requirements. Whether round silo or rectangular silo, whether external silo or internal silo: the grain silo is expanded with silo accessories such as grain ventilation, grain cleaning and conveyor technology for optimal storage technology. With Gruber’s silo technology, moisture damage and pests can be optimally controlled.
We also build silo systems for feed technology: various silo funnels (50° for pellet storage or 60° for meal silo or concentrated feed silo) and square or round silos.
Since July 2013, grain silos may only be built and assembled in accordance with EN1090! Our company has been certified according to EN1090 and continuously monitored by TÜV. In this way, you as the building owner do not run any legal or insurance risks.
Find the right silo for you and benefit from our flexible silo technology: